Eden, by
Tim Lebbon
384 Pages
In short:
Part horror, part SciFi, part eco thriller, all Tim at his best.

I rather liked this.
The other reviews tell you about the story, I'd like to tell you about the writing and what make the book work for me.
Eden, a story of what could happen if man starts to give the planet back to nature, and nature bites back!
I was introduced to Tim's work by the excellent film adaptation of his book "The Silence". Reading this book, I can already see it as a film. The characters have real depth, you get to know them more as the story evolves. You
empathise with some, disagree with others, but this makes them all the more real. Each character has their own reason for being in the story, their own quirks, and this is what makes them have a depth that is often lacking in horror novels.
These are not just name holders for some horror to be done to them, they
are "real" people.
I like the way Tim used his own experience as a competitor in various Iron Man competitions to make the endurance in this book exact, real and totally credible. This to me was very much "write what you know". That's one of the reasons this book really works.
Attention to detail in the things that add those subtle bits which make
everything so much more credible and real.
For me that is one of the
things that sets Tim's books apart from other horror writers. The
credibility, the possibility of "real-ness". Bravo.
Thoroughly recommended. The more you get into it, the less you want to put it down.